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How it works

While QR mosaics appear on the surface to be attractive pieces of wall art, contained within the pattern of light tiles and dark tiles is information that a QR reader can decipher. That information can take many forms, ranging from hidden text messages to website URLs. The QR mosaic products take advantage of two aspects:

  • The QR pattern with its iconic square boxes in three corners, and other tell-tale signs, has become immediately recognizable as a QR code. Typically people, when recognizing the QR pattern will be curious about the contents and will request a smartphone QR reader app to scan the image.

  • Most QR code readers on recognizing a website URL embedded in the QR pattern will direct the smart device directly to that website. Some QR readers ask for confirmation and will take them there when provided.

QR Mosaics is convinced that this will create an interesting, fun, and memorable experience for the visitor. Most people do not realize that QR codes are not limited to black and white squares on a simple piece of paper, so being able to scan wall are is something new.

There are four ways that a QR mosaic can be directed to a customer's website, depending on the type of QR mosaic: Managed via the QR Mosaics website, Two-Tier redirects, customer-owned redirection, or hard-coded direction.

Redirection Method
Available in Premade
Available in Bespoke
Customer Empowered Redirects
Redirection Availability
Managed Via Website
Two-Tier Redirections
Customer Owned
As long as the customer maintains the redirection

Managed via QR Mosaics website

This is probably the easiest way for most customers. The URL embedded within the QR code is "dynamic". That means the QR code can be redirected to any website that the owner chooses.  This is achieved by registering the mosaic to the owner and using the website to redirect the mosaic to the owner's desired destination. Redirection can be done as many times as the owner chooses, whenever the owner chooses.

Two-tier redirects

This method allows the customer to order a premade QR mosaic but provides the flexibility of changing the target website URL as many times as they like using a private redirection service. The customer will need to manage a second-tier redirect privately and provide this redirect URL to QR Mosaics at the time of purchase, or as a one-time redirection through the QR Mosaics website.

Customer managed redirection

For bespoke QR mosaics, a private dynamic URL of the customer's choosing can be encoded into the mosaic, which means the customer has control of the redirection through their private URL providor. The customer can then change the redirection as often as they choose without contacting QR Mosaics or using the QR Mosaics website.

Hard-coded redirection

Alternatively, for bespoke QR mosaics, a "hard-coded" website URL can be embedded within the QR  mosaic. That means no redirection is necessary and the mosaic will indefinitely point to that hard-coded website. This gives the advantage of guaranteed, indefinite redirection and having the target website URL pop up in the QR reader app. It does mean, however, for some websites, a bigger QR mosaic is required.


The choice of redirection method might seem a bit complicated at first but QR Mosaics can help make the right choice for you. Remember, the least complicated way is likely to be just to manage the redirection through the QR Mosaics website.

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